To A Stranger (Official Audio)





My name is Karen I really like rhyming these words to get it on writing, oh oh I have a few things that I really want to get out Even though this is a little outta place, I hope you take the time to listen I love deep talks, talking all day long Walks in the park, running around, singing love songs Sometimes I even love to dance on my own when nobody’s watching I love my caffeine, it leaves me feeling so high up in the clouds like I’m blowing the fucking ceiling And I’d love even more to do this thing to sing So I’m wondering, would you take a chance on me? Would you take the leap with me? I don’t know what the future will hold ohh oh It could end in misery Or a beautiful fantasy But unless we try, we’ll never know Cuz I’ve been thinking about Friday nights, staying in watching netflix Talking about all the ways that we’ll get this thing that we call life together, and buy the house we want together And I know it’ll get a little crazy Sometimes we just need a little break, we’ll get through everything together, don’t you worry about a thing my dear Or so I’m just thinking out loud I’ve had this vision Since the very day That I met you ‘cross the door prince charming with his cape I didn’t really know what to say but our eyes met, I caved Feels like I’ve been taken to a whole another place We were on an apartment floor Watching the sun rise Drinking coffee from a cup That was our size And everyday brought a new battle But we conquered it together, we had it all, we had it all Since then, I still wonder what it could’ve been should’ve been, would’ve been if I’d only been smarter then to let the moment pass like it didn’t even mean a thing I’m here wishing that we’d somehow just meet again Tell me tell me, where do you go to find love I’m stuck here wishing trying trynna to find us Now in the middle of the street and the corners of the earth I’ll be look for your face, no matter how long it takes But I’m wondering, would you take a chance on me? Would you take the leap with me? I don’t know what the future will hold ohh oh It could end in misery Or a beautiful fantasy But unless we try, we’ll never know Cuz I’ve been thinking about Friday nights, staying in watching netflix Talking about all the ways that we’ll get this thing that we call life together, and buy the house we want together And I know it’ll get a little crazy Sometimes we just need a little break, we’ll get through everything together, don’t you worry about a thing my dear Or so I’m thinking out loud Tell me what if we, meet down by the street And forget everything that’s happened between you and me We could start again Hit the reset to when We were both so young and nothing could come in our way our way our way We were talking about Friday nights, staying in watching netflix Talking about all the ways that we’ll get this thing that we call life together, and buy the house we want together And I know it’ll get a little crazy Sometimes we just need a little break, we’ll get through everything together, don’t you worry about a thing my dear Or I’m just thinking out loud


1998年5月7日生まれ、ロンドン出身、20歳、本名:山口佳恋。バイリンガルのシンガーソングライター。 日本の高校を卒業後、アメリカに渡り、現在はバークリー音楽大学に在学し、作曲や歌の練習に励んでいる。学外の活動としては、インスタグラムでカバー動画を配信、またボストン市内でライブ活動等行なっている。4か月に及ぶ夏休み期間中は日本に帰国し都内でライブ活動を行う他、オーディションにも参加。昨年夏には1万人以上が応募した未確認フェスティバルでセミファイナリストに選ばれ、渋谷TSUTAYA O-WESTで楽曲を披露。またTEENS MUSIC CAMPでもファイナリストとなり、新宿ロフトでのライブに出演した。昨年夏の活動がきっかけで、日本国内のエージェンシーからリクルートされ、2曲の作詞と歌を担当している。レコーディングも終わり、近日Spotifyでのリリースが決まっている。その他、日米ともに複数のプロデューサーと共同でオリジナル楽曲を制作している。 13歳で歌・ドラム・アコギを始め、現在まで作ったオリジナル曲は50曲以上ある。高校時代にはインドネシアの孤児院でライブを行った他、数々のチャリティコンサートに出演。TEDxYouth@Tokyoでのステージパフォーマンスも行った。2016年10月からバークリーに進学する直前の2017年12月にかけては景山菜奈(影山ヒロノブの娘)とともにアコギデュオNana&Karenとして都内を中心にライブ活動を行い、GO AROUND JAPANなどのサマフェスにも出場した。渋谷Gee-Geでの解散ライブには100人を超えるファンが集まった。









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