
作詞:Lee Rail


Miss Remember And when it gets worse You tint those lenses You Tint them so much Blocks out the colours Till all your left with An empty lie yeah That covers everything you see You Miss Remember how it Used to be Before the damage and rot kicked in You Miss Remember all the sunny days Your memory is much mistaken And when it gets worse You tint those lenses You Tint them so much It blocks out all colours Till your left with An empty lie yeah That covers everything you see You Miss Remember how it used to be Well I think you can guess again You miss Remember human kindness It disappeared along the way And when it gets worse tint those lenses Tint them so much It blocks out all colours Till your left with An empty lie yeah That covers everything you see Oh oh oh oh you miss Remember And everything bad long forgotten You only focus on the good times It’s easier to think about As cars rot slowly in the cold rain We watch another empty display Remember everything Well I think you can guess again You felt the warmth of human kindness And heard the voices help you through It’s so much easier to look back into Past and take the things you wanted so And leave the dirt and detriment For it will kill your soul And it will kill you all Believe the second hand Don’t question anything It’s easier you know Cos when you lift the lid and reach in You only find what you didn’t want to know You make a statement , present the words as though we all should bow in awe We need to hear your declaration And read the next big publication So that we can give our educated views Without this documented plug We only give what we have got Promote promote Remote remote Who cares you care Endless despair We need to broadcast our thoughts Like the carry any weight We need to show off our lives Like they And every line on my face Reminds us of another place Where we believe Where we believe But we sit there at the table Thinking how we all are able To have it all have it all You can ride the train until The wheels have buckled and warped You’ll only end up where you were ever gonna go And as your ticket shows the journey Waved at the guard Your still just another week in hold Another week in hold


イギリス・マンチェスター/リーズ出身のLee Rail(ボーカル)と日本人Keitarou (ギター)によって名古屋にて2017年2月結成。メンバーチェンジを経て10月にペルー出身のLeo(ベース)、アメリカ・ニューヨーク出身のTom(ドラム)が加わり、多国籍バンドとして活動開始。2018年2月レオの脱退により、イギリス人ベーシストのジョンが加わり、更なるアグレッシブなライブを展開中!! ハードコア、パンク、メタル、オルタナティブロックを背景にアグレッシヴなライブパフォーマンスで人気上昇中! 2019年夏には現メンバーによる2nd singleを配信予定! Biography 2017年7月 :1st EP static devide 2017年9月: 2nd EP sometimes things crash 2018年2月: 3rd EP broadcast our thoughts 2018年9月: 1st single 「Flags / Miss Remember」 2019年夏:2nd single 「Hammers / Arms like violence」配信予定 i-tunes他、apple music / spotify等のストリーミングで視聴可能。 facebook : https://www.facebook.com/turningtheseaintomonsters/ instagram : https://www.instagram.com/tts_im/









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