iPhone1台で製作したPVです、3時間で作りました Japanese new psychedelic fork artist Video Director - Ukyo Kobayashi (小林右京) Twitter - https://twitter.com/UkyoKobayashi SoundCloud - https://soundcloud.com/fan-moco Contact - ukyo.kobayashi.0508@gmail.com ”Pendulum” → https://soundcloud.com/fan-moco/pendu... Ukyo Kobayashi - Vocal,Guitar,Bass,Drums Lyrics,Composed,Arranged - Ukyo Kobayashi
作詞:Ukyo Kobayashi
作曲:Ukyo Kobayashi
When I saw lazy morning light, you'll think you want me to close my eyes. 'Cause it appear in the morning, 'cause it disappear in rain of the night. Up and down, and, comes and goes. Goes and comes to a place day after day. Though you said, "I'm not good at one night stand." I never thought that you would say something like that. Turn around, around and around Spin a top, like a pendulum , in alleyway In underground , many semiround suddenly appeared in time for holiday... When I saw greedy moon of night, you'll think you want to be that lazy morning light. 'Cause you can beat greedy moon of night, 'cause you want to make me pay attention to you. Up and down, and, comes and goes. Goes and comes to a place day after day. Though you said, "I'm not good at one night stand." I never thought that you would say something like that. Turn around, around and around Spin a top, like a pendulum , in alleyway In underground , many semiround suddenly appeared in time for holiday... Turn around, around and around Spin a top, like a pendulum , in alleyway In underground , many semiround suddenly appeared in time for holiday...
1999年5月8日、名古屋市名東区で誕生。 NHKのど自慢で合格を叩き出した歌声とルーパーを巧みに使いこなしたギターを用いて定期的に様々な路上やライブハウスに出現して演奏を披露する長髪音楽オタクオバケ。 実はギターの他にベースやドラム、キーボードも演奏できるので、基本音源は自らの演奏を多重録音している ジャンル:サイケ、フォーク、ラップ、ファンク、プログレ、ジャズ、ソウル、ブルース等々、、、 ジャンルが広すぎるのでまあとりあえず全部聞いてみてください(適当)