ビート提供 EDOBY https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDZuPf1xju_UDm4bfhW815w Hip-z Instagram https://www.instagram.com/inastagram_0420/
One way / Hip-z Good morning, everyone in the world. Did you wash your face? Are you ready for coffee? OK.good job. I hope you have a good day. verse 1, 目も開けられないような光が俺を照らす (The light that can't open my eyes illuminates me.) まだいる夢からテレビの音が俺を呼ぶ (Television sound calls me in my dream.) 眠い目こすり着たくもない服に腕を通す (Rub my sleepy eyes,Wear clothes you do not want to wear.) また始まるいつもの日常 (The usual daily life that begins again.) まだ霞んで見えない未来のVison (A vision of the future that is still invisible.) 休日のドライブ流れていく早送りの景色 (Fast-forward scenery flowing on a holiday drive.) と同じようにここまでスキップして気がつきゃもう19 (Just like that, skip this far and if you notice I'm already 19.) 再生ボタンの上 巻き戻しはできないから (Above the play button, I can't rewind.) タイムリミット時計の中 我武者羅に生きてる今 (Time limit, inside the clock. Now living recklessly.) 先生が言ってた「継続は力なり」 (My teacher was saying,「Continuity is the father of success」) どこがゴールか未だ分からない (I don't know where the goal is yet.) けどあいつはあいつで俺は俺なり (He's him and I'm me.) 走りだしたならもう止まれない (I can't stop once I start running.) 未来の自分に抱いた大きな期待 (Great expectations for my future self.) でもmy life は新鮮さ求め歩き続ける終わりなき旅 (My life is an endless journey that seeks freshness and keeps walking.) Hook 1, My life is one way, I can't go back. リバースのない車でdrive (Drive in a car without reverse.) My life is one way, I can't go back. 目的地へとNonstop, Ready go. (To the destination, Nonstop, Ready go.) verse 2, 目を閉じたって眠れない夜 (A night when I can't sleep even if I close my eyes.) 考えすぎて不安が募る (I'm too worried about thinking.) 気分変え見るインスタグラム (View Instagram to change your mood.) でもダリィ事がまた頭に浮かぶ (But the lazy things come to mind again.) どの道に進むか自問自答 (Ask yourself which way to go.) 成功して打ち立てろ金字塔 (Pyramid to build successfully.) 周りより自分だけを信じろ (Trust yourself alone.) ミスったってmy life 自業自得 (Then you can blame yourself if you make a mistake.) ヒントはない 行き当たりばったり (No hints, Random.) 開けた扉の先みてがっかり (Disappointed looking ahead of the open door.) 見極めて歩け嘘やはったり (Walk with care for lies and bluffs.) いつかは雲の上でまったり (Anyway, someday I'm relaxing on the clouds.) Hook 2, My life is one way, I can't go back. いつか仲間とこの空へとdive (Someday, I dive into this sky with my friends.) My life is one way, I can't go back. 新天地へとDon't stop, Ready go (To the new world,Don't stop, Ready go.) My life is one way, I can't go back. リバースのない車でdrive (Drive in a car without reverse.) My life is one way, I can't go back. 目的地へとNonstop, Ready go (To the destination, Nonstop, Ready go.)