We start a story I always felt, "Is this really where I should be?" (see with your own eyes) I've taken a very heavy step forward. What I believed looked upside down. It's still far away, but I felt like I was walking on the same road. Get my self Don't be afraid of storm with the light beyond one's head What shall I say if this journey is over? (Let's give it a try.) I'll overtake everything. Falling into the darkness What is waiting for in the future? Let's make sure I can't imagine it. Like a wave on the sea I think I came here without stopping. Looking back, there was a view (that we had never seen before.) I've taken a very heavy step forward. What I believed looked upside down. It's still far away, but I felt like I was walking on the same road. Get my self Don't be afraid of storm with the light beyond one's head What shall I say if this journey is over? (Let's give it a try.) I'll overtake everything. Falling into the darkness What is waiting for in the future? Let's make sure I can’t imagine it Get my self Don't be afraid of storm with the light beyond one's head What shall I say if this journey is over? (Let's give it a try.) I'll overtake everything. Falling into the darkness What is waiting for in the future? Let's make sure Let's give it a try 僕等は飛び出した、この広い世界へと。 いつも感じていたんだ、「ここは本当に僕がいるべき場所なのか?」って (自分で確かめに行くんだ) そしてすごく重い一歩を踏み出して、 信じていた物は逆さまに見えた。 まだ遠いけど、確かに同じ道を歩いてると感じたんだ。 自分を見失うな。 嵐を恐れずに進むんだ 抜けた先の光を信じて。 もしもこの旅が終わってしまったら、僕はなんていうかな? とにかくやるしかないさ なにもかも追い抜かしてやろう 闇の中に飛び込んでいくんだ その先になにが待つのか、確かめに行こう 想像もつかないな 海に立つ波のように 止まる事なくここまできたつもりだけど 後ろを振り返れば、僕らが見たことのない景色があったんだ すごく重い一歩を踏み出して、 信じていた物は逆さまに見えた。 まだ遠いけど、確かに同じ道を歩いてると感じたんだ。 自分を見失うな。 嵐を恐れずに進むんだ 抜けた先の光を信じて。 もしもこの旅が終わってしまったら、なんて言えば良いかな? とにかくやるしかないさ なにもかも追い抜かしてやろう 闇の中に飛び込んでいくんだ その先には何が待ってるのかな 確かめに行こう。 想像もできないな