過去のトラウマや傷つけられ保守的になってしまった人へ向けた曲。 一度きりの人生を他人からの視線や恐怖心に支配されて良いものか。 何かしたいが、傷つくことが怖い。 そう思ってる人に簡単にやってみろよとは言えないけど、少し楽観的に考えてみて、人生はゲームと一緒で何度でもやり直しはきくし、なんとでもなる。(なるようになる精神) 人生、もっと遊ぼう。他人に何言われてもうるせぇ!と言い放って好きなようにやってしまえばいい。 遊ぶ=派手に遊ぶことではなく、自由な発想のもとでやりたいことやろうということ。 何もしなければ傷つかなくて良い、だが人生それだけじゃ終わらせたくはない、終わっていいはずがないという思いをこめました。 全体的に歌詞をゲームをモチーフにしてます!
What did they just say to you? Are those tears gonna bear any fruit? Your LIFE has dropped to 0, the Continue button has been pressed! What is it that you feel? Does that feeling have purpose? Add a coin and return to the battlefield! DROP DEAD! There they go again. DROP DEAD! Does feeling bad for yourself do you any good? You’ve got all the coins in the world! Those two words, in your own words, rid yourself of it all! Yeah, go all out and we can take to the skies. Do as you wish. There’s nothing holding me back. Come on, once more! Pick up that controller yet again. Those words are just a phantom. I Can’t see it. I Can’t feel it, right? I don’t believe in such an illusion. I only believe in myself. Those words are just like rain. They come like surprise, no way to compromise. Better yet, how ‘bout you get ‘em wet. You have all the tries in the world. Over again Repeat, reset, again grow strong! Life is a game, an addicting one at that. Don’t hesitate to unleash your “Side-B”! Those two words, in your own words, rid yourself of it all! Yeah, go all out and we can take to the skies. Do as you wish. There’s nothing holding me back. Come on, once more! Pick up that controller yet again. Is This the fake Bias makes us weak This is the fake Bias makes us strong You have all the tries in the world. Over again Repeat, reset, again grow strong! Life is a game, an addicting one at that. Don’t hesitate to unleash your “Side-B” Those two words, in your own words, rid yourself of it all! Yeah, go all out and we can take to the skies. Do as you wish. There’s nothing holding me back. Come on, once more! Pick up that controller yet again. If you do nothing, you will not suffer. You sure that’s how you want to end? Come on, pick up that controller yet again. Go all out and we can take to the skies. Yeah, there’s nothing holding me back. Don’t hesitate to unleash your “Side-B”!