2021年6月30日発売 4th Digital Single "NeverLand" 迷ったなら還ればいい。答えはそこにある。 -This is a guidepost to prevent everyone from getting lost.- "NeverLand" 1.NeverLand 2021.06.30 All Music & Lyrics by JUSTKIDDING Sound Director: JUSTKIDDING Recording Engineer: ノク(GLIMGARDO) Drums Recorded at: J'z studio west Jacket Artwork Design/Photography : こらた
It wasn't supposed to be like this. I was going to play more, maybe. Do you think this is a joke? I wish it was a that. You know what? I've something to hold. It's a dream, freedom, and more. and responsibility. There are several ways to call it. That's important for me. It's you. This is your song. I swear by you. I'll never betray you. We don't stop music. This is a hope to live. I don't want to let go. We don't stop music. This is a guidepost. For everyone not to get lost. Never again. I mean it. I'm not kidding. I don't want to lie to anymore. I've something to hold. It's a dream, freedom, and more. and responsibility. It's you and you This is your song. I swear by you. I never betray you. We don't step music. This is a hope to live. I don't want to let go. We don't step music. This is a guidepost. For everyone not to get lost. When it ’s hard, cover your ear. Still when it ’s hard to do anything, close your heart. Do you feel light? Just go in that direction. Please don't never kill your heart. Never again. It's you. This is your song. I swear by you. I never betray you. We don't stop music. This is a hope to live. I don't want to let go. We don't step music. This is a hope to life. I don't want to let go. We don't step music. This is a guidepost. For everyone not to get lost. When it ’s hard, close your eyes. Still when it ’s hard to do anything, close your heart. Do you feel light? Just go in that direction. Please don't never kill your heart. Never again.
JUSTKIDDING(ジャストキディング)2015年に名古屋で結成。2017年に始動。その後メンバーチェンジやバンド名表記の変更を経て現在に至る。 確かなスキルと個性的なキャラクターを持った4人から成る圧倒的なパフォーマンスとサウンドは必見(必聴)の価値有り。 異彩を放つその音楽性はロックに限らず、ポップ、メタル、ハードロック、ヒップホップ等幅広いバックグラウンドをベースに、既存のシーンの枠に収まらないJUSTKIDDINGならではの音楽性を武器に日々進化している。