作詞:佐々木 謠
作曲:佐々木 謠
この先進むのが怖くて 前すら見ないで生きている 周りのヤツらを気にかけて 気づけば自分の首絞めた やりたい事なら山ほどに 叶えたいものなら星ほどに バカにされてコケにされて 傷ついて下向く暇などないよ 今はこれだけでいいんだ 何が間違いか知るか 動かなくて始まるものなどあるわけ無いさそうだろ? 無理はしなくてもいいよ 少しずつ進んでこうよ その先のもの信じて I can go anytime! I can go anytime! I have been working hard for this moment I can go anytime! I can go anytime! So believe in self and try I can go anytime! I can go anytime! That day will come someday, so let's do our best until then Raise your face and move on It will be it will be it will be alright I will not will not hesitate 自信がなくなって吐き出した あの日の愚痴や妬みや嫉み 丸ごと全部いま捨て去って 自分だけが鳴らす音鳴らせ 憧れのあの人いるけれど 彼は彼であって僕は僕 いつかはあの場所で I can go anytime! I can go anytime! I have been working hard for this moment I can go anytime! I can go anytime! So believe in self and try I can go anytime! I can go anytime! That day will come someday, so let's do our best until then I've not intention of losing まだだ始まってないよ ここがスタートラインだ 「夢なんて見るだけ無駄だ」とか言うヤツそこらに置いてけ 全部自分次第だよ 初めて胸に持った熱 忘れる事なく進め I can go anytime! I can go anytime! I have been working hard for this moment I can go anytime! I can go anytime! So believe in self and try I can go anytime! I can go anytime! That day will come someday, so let's do our best until then Raise your face and move on It will be it will be it will be alright I will not will not hesitate