I know the truth You know the lie We never understand each other I want the moon You want the sun So now we search different ways. What do you need to hurt me for? I try to find the answer over again. Oh God gives me strength! Higher and higher Deeper and deeper God gives me strength! I want to believe that there is no difference. Love me forever, love me forever Like the sun shines on the moon Cause we just human, cause we just human, don’t we? I know the truth You know the lie We never understand each other I want the moon You want the sun So now we search different ways. What do I need to hurt you for? You try to find the answer over again. Oh God gives me strength! Closer and closer Faster and faster God gives me strength! I want to believe that there is no difference. Love you forever, love you forever Like the sun shines on the moon Cause we just human, cause we just human, don’t we? Oh God gives me strength! Higher and higher Deeper and deeper God gives me strength! I want to believe that there is no difference. Love me forever, love me forever Like the sun shines on the moon Cause we just human, cause we just human, don’t we? Written by : Vaseux
Vaseux[ヴァズ]について。鵜沼麻衣子[Vocal,Synthesizer,Toy Instruments]と小久保宏樹[Guitar,Programming,Vj,Chorus ]のエレクトロPOPデュオ/バンド。2016年12月より活動をスタート。結成1ヶ月以内にプリプロ/レコーディングを経て、2017年1月にHP開設、Apple Store他でデモ配信スタートし、4月よりライブ活動始動。音楽性はElectro Popをベースに、鵜沼のバイリンガルな言葉のセンスとスペイン人クォーターの小久保の仕掛ける実験的サウンド/様々なジャンルでコーラジュされるダンスなオルタナティブポップ。 『Vaseux[ヴァズ]とは、フランス語で”泥まみれ”。キャッチコピーは[MUDDY UP,HERE I AM.]。泥まみれに霞んでしまったって気にしないしそれもひとつの生き方と云う意味です。綺麗に生きられなくても好きなことを好きでいたい。音楽は私。音楽で心を通わせてずっと踊って楽しい幸せな時間を築けたら。エレクトロPopにオルタナティブPop、ダンスでアーバンでストリートの匂いする、ちょっと変わったユニット。それがVaseux[ヴァズ]です。 -MUDDY UP, HERE I AM.- Vaseux are an Japanese indie pop group formed in Tokyo Japan in December 2016. Consists of model, vocalist, Maiko Unuma, and composer, track maker, guitar, vj, Hiroki Kokubo, (ex-SupernaturalDelight), and Add, member. And from January 2017, my first demo tracks was distributed from my site , and each site. [Turn my life into music. Love u all. -UM- ]